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Our studio is a place of relaxation and transformation.   




Peaks and valleys.  I am well acquainted with the ups and downs of embarking on a new career path.  My personal journey was profoundly impacted by someone whom was kind enough to take an interest in my lash endeavors.  Our industry is becoming quite competitive, with lots of talented men/women trying to make a name for themselves as a lash artist.  If you are serious about your growth as a stylist then consider spending the day with an expert mentor. Boost your confidence & fine-tune your technique - we will discuss important and relevant topics, you will receive an evaluation of your present application with suggestions for potential improvements.   Our 1:1 mentoring workshop includes many perks, as once a student – you will have access to our feedback and suggestions for as long as you need. The learning curve with any skilled service can be tricky and in our business “what you don’t know can hurt you” 


1 Day Workshop 6hr  

Cost $600 

Kit not included  (Additional items may be purchased)



Classic Eyelash Extension Application 

2-Day Workshop to include theory, hands on practice drills & real model practice 

Class ratio 1 educator to 4 students 

$995 + starter kit $200 (additional items may be purchased) 

Lash Model(s) will be provided – student may also be asked to bring a lash model 

Subjects Taught: 

Eye Sanitation / Hygiene 

Client Consultation 

Station Set Up 

Design and templates 

The 1,2,3 of client prep 

Isolation & Application 


Business/marketing ideas and suggestions 

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